Missions We Support

Curry Montague in Hungary
Don Green in Hungary
David French in Zambia
David serves as the director of Zambia Missions and as the Dean of Mapepe Bible College in association with Sunset International Bible Institute (Lubbock, TX). His primary responsibilities include Dean (administration), Bible teacher, fund-raising in the USA, and Construction Supervisor at Mapepe. Lorie (David's wife) serves as the current head of the women’s program and teacher (among her many other responsibilities). David and Lorie have lived in Zambia since 2004. For more information on the work in Zambia, visit http://www.zambiamissions.org.
Ministries We Support at Home
If you would like any additional information about any of these ministries or programs, please let us know in the "Contact Us" section.
The Manger
We also have a pantry stocked with food by the congregation to help people of the community that would otherwise be hungry.
Evangelism and Outreach in the Community
Jesus said in Lk 19.10 that He came to "seek and save the lost." He also told His disciples to "go into all the world" in Mt 28.19. At Oakland we strive to fulfill that mission by reaching out to the community around us through Bible study, community events, and the ministries on this page.
Bi-monthly Fellowship Meals
West Tennessee Children's Home
Annual Winter Series
In order to teach, reprove, correct, and train (2 Tim 3.16-17), we hold a series of lessons on five Tuesdays each winter. We do this for the benefit of our members, neighboring congregations, and community, so please make plans to attend the upcoming series to be announced soon.
Annual Ladies' Day
Annual Vacation Bible School
We host a Vacation Bible School annually that is not only directed at the young people but for all ages as well. Details for the upcoming VBS will be posted as they become available.